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Art Workshop: Pei-Ying Lin

Virophilia Plays of Speculation: the past, present, and future


✅ Pei-Ying Lin Art Workshop: Virophilia Plays of Speculation: the past, present, and future The workshop is an invitation to create alternative history of science stories with the artist. During the workshop, the artist will share how she came to the creation of a fictional and speculative cookbook that engages different mindset in the process of looking at the development of technologies, as well as how these thought experiments relate with the science history. As you join the workshop, you will also be presented with a few entry points towards fiction along the existing history of science, where there is no one mainstream scientific thinking but many possible trajectories… You are invited to build your own fiction from such entry point, and let’s see how the ‘history’ will unfold. Let us embrace the diversity of science thinkings. ✅ View Artwork Virophilia: ✅ Pei-Ying Lin is an artist / designer from Taiwan and currently based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Her main focus is on the combination of science and human society through artistic methods, and is particularly interested in building a common discussion ground for different cultural perspective regarding elements that constructs our individual perception of the world. Recently she has been focusing on manipulating the boundary of invisible/visible, living/non-living and finding ways to build tools and methods that facilitate such explorations. She has won the Honorary Mention of STARTS Prize 2020, Honorary Mention in Hybrid Arts Category of Ars Electronica 2015, Professional Runner Up in Speculative Concepts of Core 77 Awards 2015, BioArt and Design Award 2016. Her project PSX Consultancy is a permanent collection of Museum of Architecture and Design, Slovenia. --- 📣 所有活動將以英語進行,並提供中文同步口譯。 ✅ 「(源自於病毒之愛的)思[幻]辨[想]演[架]義[空]」林沛瑩藝術工作坊 ✅ 本工作坊邀請參加者與藝術家一同創作平行世界中的科學故事。藝術家將分享她在創作「病毒食譜」時所引用的不同歷史上未成為主流的科學思考和猜想,並將其視為探索新可能性的工具。 工作坊以科學史作為參考提供多個介入點,邀請參加者在介入點上開始書寫自己的平行世界科學故事。讓我們共同接納科學猜想和思考的多樣性。 ✅ 觀看作品 《病毒之愛》 ✅ 林沛瑩為旅荷藝術家。清華大學生命科學系學士、輔系資工學系與人文社會學系。英國皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)設計互動系(Design Interactions)碩士。曾與友人共同創立台灣生物藝術社群與藝術團體㗊機體。主要創作方向為透過藝術方法探索科學與人類社會結合的各種可能性,尋找讓大眾討論建構不同文化與個人觀點元素的基底。最近的研究主題為玩弄可見/不可見、有生命/無生命之間的界線,並尋找探索這個界限的工具與方法。為2020年銅鐘藝術賞得主,並曾獲得STARTS Prize 2020年榮譽獎、Ars Electronica 2015年Hybrid Arts類別榮譽獎、2016年BioArt and Design Award、2015年Core 77設計獎Speculative Concepts專業組第二名。作品《植物性顧問公司》為斯洛維尼亞建築與設計博物館永久收藏。


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