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3/21 Expert Clinic: María Paula

What if we pretend the term Web3 never existed?


✅ What if we pretend the term Web3 never existed? In this lecture, María Paula, co-founder of and Department of Decentralization (D@D), will share the following topics: 1. What is Web3? What technology is behind it? 2. María Paula moved from Argentina to Berlin after experiencing economic hardship, and has been dedicated to building many decentralized communities since 2015. How does she view the recent blockchain and NFT frenzy? 3. We invite María Paula to share her encounters with Catalan independence activists and explore how blockchain technology can assist Catalonia in achieving sovereignty and strengthening Berlin's anarchist community economy. 4. María Paula will share her experience, methods, and collaborative partners in digital curation, community curation, and digital archiving. Technology advances through community feedback, while communities grow through technology. At the same time, technological changes may also lead to the decline of various communities. In this lecture, we will explore the question, "What if we pretend the term Web3 never existed? What would the world be like?" ✅ María Paula Fernández is Co-Founder of and the Department of Decentralisation. She has been working in Web3 since 2017, when she joined the Web3 Foundation, and has since then worked or consulted for several of the most prominent blockchain projects. --- 📣 所有活動將以英語進行,並提供中文同步口譯。 ✅「如果我們假裝 Web3 一詞從未存在,這個世界會怎麼樣?」瑪麗亞・保拉(María Paula) 在這場講座中,我們邀請了 與 Department of Decentralization (D@D)的聯合創辦人瑪麗亞・保拉(María Paula),分享他在區塊鏈上的策展、建立社群的機制和經驗。 由於 NFT 可以是藝術品、遊戲元件、金融工具⋯ 作為一個 NFT 為主的 Web3 數位展覽平台,便牽涉到更多元面向的利害關係人。此時,策展的任務就是建立聯接,讓來自不同世界的利害關係人相互接觸。也讓不同的思想哲學、社會運動、非主流的機構和平台,藉此機會收到不同面向的支持。 在此講座中,瑪麗亞・保拉將分享: 1)何謂 Web3? 背後的科技為何? 2)瑪麗亞・保拉從經濟狀況跌宕的阿根廷移居柏林,在 2015年左右開始協助建立許多去中心社群。在這些年經驗中,他如何看待近期的區塊鏈、NFT 熱潮? 3)我們亦邀請瑪麗亞・保拉分享他所遇見的加泰隆尼亞獨立運動者,瞭解區塊鏈技術如何協助加泰隆尼亞主權自治、加強柏林無政府社群經濟的經營。 4)數位策展、社群策展和數位檔案保存之經驗、方法及其合作單位。 科技透過社群的反饋進步,而社群則透過科技擴展。另一方面,科技變遷也可能造成各類社群的衰退。在這個講座中,我們將了解:「如果Web3 一詞從未存在,這個世界會怎麼樣?」 ✅ 瑪麗亞・保拉(María Paula)是區塊鏈藝術網站 以及「去中心化部門」的共同創辦人,她自從 2017 年加入了 Web3 基金會之後便投身 Web3 領域,截至現在已經參與無數著名的區塊鏈計畫,或者為他們提供顧問服務。


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