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3/16 Art Workshop: Cara Page

Echoes of COVID: Stories Braiding Past to Future


✅ Cara Page & Susan Raffo | Art Workshop: Echoes of COVID: Stories Braiding Past to Future We will welcome participants into exploring ways collective care and safety strategies during COVID awakened & transformed a global understanding of care in relationship to our geographies, bodies, spirits and cultures and economies. As we map the scale and impact of this global pandemic we will look deeper into the imprint of what we have learned and how this time has changed us and our contexts forever. We will also highlight the use of mapping time as a creative praxis for sustaining cultural memory & resistance. ✅ Cara Page is a Black Queer Feminist cultural memory worker & organizer. For the past 30+ years, she has organized with LGBTQI+, Black, Indigenous & People of Color liberation movements in the US & Global South at the intersections of racial, gender & economic justice, healing justice and transformative justice. ✅ Susan Raffo is a writer, cultural worker and bodyworker with a personal practice who is living in Mnisota Makoce, on the unceded traditional homelands of the Dakota people, in the city of Minneapolis. Her interest is in looking at all of the layers of resourcing needed to support community and movements, from support for individual and collective bodies shaped by generational trauma and supremacy to support for infrastructures that are grounded in dignity, care and generational vision. 📝 References 🔘 COVID TIMELINE: 🔘 Documenting the signs of the pandemic 🔘 Documenting anti-Asian xenophobic violence during the pandemic --- 📣 所有活動將以英語進行,並提供中文同步口譯。 美國著名的黑人女性主義運動者、社群組織者卡拉・佩吉(Cara Page)與其伴侶蘇珊・拉佛 (Susan Raffo)開啟了「歷史療癒計畫」,並在其中完成了《新冠肺炎大事紀》。 此時間表追蹤了全球和美國境內在 COVID-19 大流行之後的新聞事件和口述歷史。也收錄因疫情而現形的:白人至上主義、種族主義、仇外心理、厭女症、殘障歧視、貧富差距、以及不義的醫療保健制度,檢閱由於病毒擴散,人類世界產生出的混亂與矛盾。 人們透過故事,產生更深刻的情感共鳴。 3/16(四)晚上 8pm 的《疫情殘響:編織過去至未來的故事》,卡拉・佩吉將告訴我們如何將數據轉化為故事、自身作為黑人女性主義運動者的經歷。並了解如何透過故事,讓疫情下的各個族群,了解自身經歷,並擁有更多翻轉社會不義的力量。 ✅ 卡拉・佩吉是一位非裔、酷兒、女性主義身份兼具的文化記憶工作者與運動者。過去三十年,她在美國與全球南方世界致力於LGBTQI+、非裔,原住民與其他少數族群的解放運動。她也是「歷史療癒計畫」的共同創辦人,反思有害的醫療工業複合體、期盼讓社會擁有更具尊嚴的照護體系。 蘇珊・拉佛是一位作家、文化工作者,以及擁有私人工作室的人體功療師;她的興趣是觀察並資助社會運動和少數族群的各種需求,不論是支助那些受到世代創傷和優越主義所害的個人及群體,抑或是支持那些旨在創造尊嚴,照護與世代願景的基礎建設。 📝 相關連結 🔘 新冠肺炎大事紀 🔘 記錄大流行的跡象 🔘 記錄大流行期間的反亞裔仇外暴力


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